Potted Trees

Crimson Spire™ Oak

Quercus 'Crimschmidt'

$130.00 / $173.00

Plant Description

A stately columnar selection originating as a hybrid of Q. robur (English oak) and Q. alba (white oak), it combines the best characteristics of both varieties. Dark green, mildew resistant foliage turns a bright reddish hue in the fall. Fast growing, with a tight, upright habit, it is adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. It’s columnar form is good fit for narrow spaces as a screen or street tree.

Height: 45′
Spread: 15′
Shape: Columnar to fastigiate
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Rusty red
Zone: 4-8
Pot Size: 15 / 20